Sunday, April 23, 2006

Bending the rules...

So, admittedly, this isn't a blog post of my own. But this is Sarah's fantastic account of last night's french fry debacle. I still want my fries!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

The final countdown

Alright, I know. It's been almost a month and a half since I've blogged. So let's get a few things straight:
1) Yeah, I've been kicked off Jerry and Tammy's blog.
2) No, I'm not going to tell you what "take it to the next level" means, because I was stuck on the boat the whole time.
3) If you don't understand 2, I'm not telling you. You should know by now.
4) The Pirates SUCK. You don't have to tell me. It's only the 14th year in a row, it'll turn around soon enough.

Now that we've got that cleared up, let's move on.

It's absolutely unbelievable to think this is the final week of law school. Absolutely amazing. After 20 years of school, there's four more days of class left ever. And, if you've been around me lately, you know that I'm not too happy about it. Now, don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm not excited about finishing school - it's been about as stressful as 3 years could possibly be. Even though we're all heading off to careers we've killed ourselves for over the past three years, and though this is what I've wanted for so many years, it all seems so final. What's it gonna be like after the bar? Honestly, I can't even conceive of the 9-to-5 routine (or maybe better said, the 9-to-7 routine) that's awaiting me.

It's the change.

It's not being in school anymore. It's working all day every day, instead of classes for 3 hours of a day (of course, this is assuming there's a job coming sooner rather than later). It's G-Man. It's lunch in the Cafe. It's finding a new place to live. It's being completely independent.

But most importantly, it's the change of having made so many great friends, and then having Jerry (eventually), Tammy, Rene, Danielle, Ben, Greg, John and countless others scatter off all over the country in a few short weeks. I've been so fortunate to meet so many fantastic people here, but after the next 4 weeks, they're all going to be gone. I don't even like to think about it. (So blogging about it probably isn't going to help.) Really, I don't know why it's so different from graduating from Allegheny. I met so many great people there, but it isn't the same as it is now. Maybe it's because I knew I had three more years to put the real world off. I really can't stand it this time around - it just bothers me to no end.

But, I guess the good news is that it's still almost four weeks away. And that means we've all got one more month to "take it to the next level" and enjoy our last dose of craziness before the real world hits once and for all. So when I inevitably don't blog for the next four weeks and graduation comes and goes, it'll be time for a new era when I talk to you next...ready or not.